Since 2019, the SDG Acceleration team has recognized the interlinkages between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how Zero Hunger could not be achieved without a global partnership that fosters innovation to achieve the 2030 goals.
“Our goal is to work with partners across sectors to identify and support bold problem solvers around the world who are working to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.”
Jose Alcocer, Head of SDG Acceleration, World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator
Innovating is problem solving
As the Accelerator continues to utilize innovation to disrupt hunger, the team recognizes more effort must be made to deliver innovative solutions that work towards several SDGs to build a more resilient and effective ecosystem. The SDG Acceleration team is dedicated to discovering innovations that cover numerous SDGs in diverse contexts.
“For us, innovation means solving a problem in a way that is replicable and scalable at practical costs.”
Andrea Kobor, Innovation Consultant, World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator
Reimagining how we work together
“We have shifted our own Accelerator operations to enable efficient and creative co-creation virtual spaces, while creating new programmes directly targeting challenges exacerbated by the pandemic.”
Michelle Joseph, Innovation Consultant, World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator
The team is committed to creating innovation acceleration programmes with partners, covering the complete innovation spectrum from problem mapping, to innovation sourcing, fund management and scale-up support.
We design and deliver custom innovation journeys to help organizations unlock the entrepreneurial spirit of its people, to incubate new ideas, and plan their path to scale.
We enable spaces that bring key actors together across sectors and help them to collaborate in a creative goal.
We facilitate learning experiences to practice new ways of working using open innovation, human-centred design and entrepreneurial frameworks.
“Our future lies in fostering radically collaborative ecosystems that help scale the impact of the innovations we support to improve the lives of vulnerable people.”
Jose Alcocer, Head of SDG Acceleration, World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator
Members of the SDG Acceleration team participated in a workshop for INITIATE2, an initiative co-led by the World Health Organization and the World Food Programme focused on improving preparedness.