Project overview

ETC aims to elevate its humanitarian chatbot by advancing from basic functionalities to conversational and cognitive analytics, addressing the challenge of enhancing user experience, fostering trust within affected communities, and optimizing information delivery in humanitarian contexts.

The problem

In times of crisis, effective communication is vital for humanitarian organizations to understand the needs, concerns, and behaviors of affected populations. Traditional communication channels often fall short, resulting in limited insights and hindering targeted assistance and emergency preparedness efforts.

The solution

The ETC Chatbot serves as a tool for people impacted by disasters to conveniently access information about essential services, offering ongoing assistance when crises strike. This tool is designed to equip those in crisis with up-to-date information and support, while also helping collecting critical data and coordinate emergency responses across various UN agencies.


The ETC Chatbot supported over 100,000 vulnerable people with access to adequate life saving assistance information. 

Last updated: 01/07/2024