Project overview

Nutri-India is a mobile application to train school cooks on hygiene and nutrition. It is currently being tested in a multilingual environment.

The problem

India provides school meals to 130 million children every school day. The meals for these children are prepared by school cooks who do not receive much training in hygiene, and in nutritious cooking. Given the scale of the operation, classroom trainings are not feasible.


The solution

A mobile application that can be used to train hundreds of thousands of cooks in a common curriculum in one go. The app relies heavily on audio-visual content to effectively communicate messages to a low-literacy audience.

Testing the Nutri-India app


The way forward

The Nutri-India app has been tested with cooks in 10 schools, across the states of Odisha and Uttar Pradesh in India and across two languages: Hindi, and Odiya. The app has been recently rolled out to 150 schools across Odisha and Uttar Pradesh to test its impact on educating cooks. The team’s plan is to hand the app over to India’s government after the pilot.

Last updated: 14/07/2022