As of July 2024, Route the Meals has been piloted in nine countries.
Its first three pilots reached 2.5 million beneficiaries and resulted in US$373,000 in efficiency gains. The results of these early pilots are extremely exciting, showing huge potential for WFP and governments to improve the setup of their humanitarian supply chain networks. As a result, Route the Meals continues to engage other countries to implement the solution within WFP operations.
During its sprint programme with the WFP Innnovation Accelerator, the Route the Meals team was connected with technical experts from organizations like Google to build their capacity in optimization techniques and processes. This valuable relationship has made it possible for continued optimization now and in the future.
In Haiti, optimizing the last-mile distribution for WFP’s school meal programme helped identify new warehouse locations and new routes for the trucks to take. These changes reduced the overall travel distance and CO2 emissions by 24 percent.
In El Salvador, Route The Meals' routing algorithms were used to optimize delivery routes to thousands of schools, accounting for complex operational restrictions such as the different capacities of each truck in the government’s fleet and the limited accessibility of each school. Thanks to Route The Meals, WFP El Salvador was able to provide logistics recommendations to the government that are expected to reduce their last-mile distribution costs by 36 percent.