Project overview

SheCan is an initiative from the World Food Programme (WFP) that enhances the organization's current livelihoods and resilience efforts by tackling the issue of limited access to formal finance. It specifically targets gender-inclusive, productive loans for smallholder farmers and microentrepreneurs.

By leveraging a blended finance model and WFP's extensive global network, SheCan seeks to establish a sustainable pathway for equal economic participation among women. With a strong emphasis on individuals who identify as women, the initiative addresses the systemic barriers that hinder their access to the financing and resources essential for their success.

SheCan is currently operating in Zambia, Rwanda, Peru, Malawi and Iraq, where the initiative has enabled access to affordable, gender-responsive loans to 16, 000+ micro-entrepreneurs and smallholder farmers (78 percent women). This has had a positive effect on the financial inclusion of more than 50,000 people at the household level. 

Since its inception in 2022, the default rate of SheCan-enabled loans has been remarkably low at 0.1 percent.

“A woman is economically empowered when she has both: (a) access to resources: the options to advance
 economically and (b) agency: the power to make and act on economic decisions.”
 Golla et al. 2011

The compounding challenges

Poverty is a complex phenomenon with deeply embedded root causes in political and economic structures. Limited infrastructure, discrimination and inequality, environmental degradation, social dynamics and poor economic and political policies all contribute to the persistence of poverty. Financial exclusion, which prevents access to capital and other financial services, perpetuates poverty among these groups. Smallholder farmers and micro-entrepreneurs in lower-income countries, especially women, face systemic challenges in accessing financial tools and services, hindering their economic situation and resilience to climate and economic shocks. About 25 percent of people worldwide don’t have a bank account. 26 percent of men and 32 percent of women are unbanked in developing countries, revealing a 6 percent gender gap. Many women with bank accounts still lack broader financial services, such as credit and insurance, further restricting their economic opportunities.

To address poverty, systemic and structural changes that go beyond individual-level barriers are needed. Among the systemic challenges that need to be addressed, financial exclusion is a significant one, and some of the key challenges include:

The gender gap

Despite comprising 43 percent of the agricultural workforce and producing between 60 and 80 percent of the food in lower-income countries, women globally own only an average of 15 percent of the land.  Cultural barriers to land ownership, combined with limited access to financial education and a lack of financial products tailored to their needs, maintain gender disparities and leave women at a disadvantage when it comes to accessing capital and formal financial services. Additionally, rural populations, particularly women, frequently find themselves unable to access finance. The World Bank reported in 2021 that in countries affected by conflict, women are 37 percent less likely than men to have access to an account.

The cycle of financial exclusion

Smallholder farmers and micro-entrepreneurs in rural areas of lower-income countries often experience financial exclusion despite the presence of Financial Service Providers (FSPs). Local FSPs are financial institutions that usually provide small loans to individuals who cannot access traditional banking services. However, smallholder farmers and rural micro-entrepreneurs are often considered high-risk borrowers by FSPs due to their reliance on seasonal crop harvests for income and their vulnerability to external factors such as climate change and pests. Barriers like insufficient identification, limited credit history, poor access to mobile phones and distance from financial institutions prevent SheCan’s target population from accessing financial services. Moreover, smallholder farmers and micro-entrepreneurs, especially women, often lack the financial literacy needed to navigate the financial system and the tools to securely and transparently deposit and track their savings. This results in a cycle of limited financial opportunities in rural areas, perpetuating the cycle of poverty and having a greater impact on women.

Demanding loan conditions

FSPs themselves face high loan servicing costs in rural and remote areas, as they lack the necessary infrastructure and digitization of their processes, which leads to expensive terms for potential clients in these areas. Besides high interest rates and commission fees, excessive collateral requirements often require smallholder farmers to access finance. This requirement disproportionately affects women, as they are significantly disadvantaged relative to men with regard to land rights and inheritance laws.

Of the world are unbanked
Women without an account (compared to 26% of men)
Projected increase in agricultural yield if women have the same access to resources as men
The solution

The SheCan initiative innovatively tackles the dual challenges of financial exclusion and lack of climate resilience faced by vulnerable communities, by taking a multidimensional approach to promoting financial inclusion for smallholder farmers and micro-entrepreneurs, with a particular focus on driving economic participation for women and their communities. The programme seeks to overcome systemic obstacles faced by these groups, creating an enabling environment for their economic growth. To achieve its objectives, the initiative operates like a technical assistance facility on one hand and an investment facilitator for impact investors on the other.:

Technical assistance to SheCan participants

The technical assistance arm, funded by traditional donors, is designed to reduce the actual and perceived risk of SheCan’s target borrowers. It achieves this by offering training in financial literacy - specifically on lending products - digital skills to reap the full benefits of digital payment options and online banking, and gender awareness at both individual and community levels to mitigate risks of gender-based violence.

Moreover, through partnerships with digital marketplaces, SheCan helps farmers earn better prices for their crops. SheCan and the WFP are also exploring micro-insurance options to protect farmers from risks like climate-related disasters and crop failures, strengthening their resilience to climate challenges and securing their access to food and essentials while meeting financial obligations.

Technical assistance to Financial Service Providers (FSPs)

Beyond the support to SheCan participants, the technical assistance arm also provides support to participating FSPs, notably in two ways. 

Firstly, SheCan provides technical support in digitization and capacity development to boost operational efficiency, manage risk and reduce loan servicing costs in rural areas. Digital tools, like mobile wallet technology, allow for digital payments and savings, saving both farmers and FSPs time and money, particularly in rural regions. When developing and implementing these tools with FSPs, SheCan incorporates the unique needs and perspectives of rural women and their communities. The programme actively engages them by gathering their input and feedback, which shapes the design of future products. Additionally, SheCan offers capacity-building programmes to help FSPs streamline their processes, improve operations and expand outreach in rural areas. 

Secondly, in addition to this hands-on support, SheCan offers valuable market insights into borrowers' needs and preferences, enabling the design of new lending products tailored to reach this target segment. Through its technical assistance division, SheCan aids in developing customized, gender-responsive lending products and provides financial impact incentives to selected FSP partners to set up their systems to begin serving unserved or underserved customer groups.

By strengthening FSP capacity, SheCan aims to deliver enhanced financial services to financially excluded populations and expand their access to credit.

The initiative aims to incentivize FSPs to increase access to affordable financial services and tools for smallholder farmers and micro-entrepreneurs, tailored to their needs. The long-term objective of the project is to make financial inclusion and gender transformative programs more sustainable, with a focus on creating lasting positive impacts and building resilience for these communities.


Silvia Cueva, a member of the Savings Group FACDE Ebenezer in Cajamarca, Peru
Silvia Cueva is a member of the Savings Group FACDE Ebenezer in Cajamarca, Peru, and co-runs a rose farming business with her family. When the business suffered setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was on standby due to the lack of production, Silvia received support from the SheCan project and its partners through an affordable loan and technical assistance. Thanks to this support, she was able to reactivate and improve the business by making the necessary investments. Photo: WFP

Blended financing model

SheCan uniquely combines programmatic leadership from WFP with a blended finance model that maximizes sustainability and impact, moving away from grant reliance. To this end, the investment facilitation arm of the initiative connects selected FSPs with private capital to increase the liquidity available for the SheCan loans. Over the first two years, SheCan has proven this model by working with crowdlending platforms.  To provide larger amounts of investments and scale the approach further, the model also fosters connections between participating FSPs and other sources of development/impact capital. Via its investment facilitation arm, SheCan enables flows of appropriate capital towards local financial institutions for them to be able to access larger sums of liquidity to serve WFP beneficiaries with affordable and tailored loans.

Map of SheCan projects


The SheCan footprint

SheCan launched field operations in Zambia, Rwanda and Peru in July 2022, where it has been successful in providing affordable financing to smallholder farmers and micro-entrepreneurs, predominantly women.  Based on the success of the first pilots, SheCan launched a new pilot in Malawi in December 2022 and in Iraq in May 2024. The programme has now scaled its operations in Zambia and will launch scale-up projects in Rwanda, Peru and Malawi. 

Since its launch in July 2022, SheCan has empowered over 16,000 smallholder farmers and micro-entrepreneurs with access to tailored, affordable loans, of which 78 percent were women.. The overall default rate of the SheCan enabled loans is remarkably low at 0.1 percent, which speaks to the project’s viability and scalability. Its gender-responsive programme approach contributes effectively to closing the gender gap in financial inclusion, especially in underserved regions.

Below are some highlights from the SheCan project in Rwanda. 

SheCan Rwanda

Implemented from July 2022 to December 2023, theSheCan pilot in Rwanda showed successful results, demonstrating the relevance of the programme to support the economic empowerment and financial inclusion of +1, 800 smallholder farmers. The initiative leveraged the PlusPlus crowdfunding platform to provide loan capital at below-market rates from individual lenders. This capital was then disbursed to a local Financial Service Provider in Rwanda, CleCam. With this additional capital, CleCam was able to expand its agri-finance loan portfolio for local farmers' savings groups, providing them with funds in a timely manner for the agricultural season.

By lending capital at a lower rate, CleCam was able to reduce certain charges for the farmers. Instead of the usual 2 percent disbursement fee, the savings groups only had to pay a 1 percent fee. Additionally, CleCam waived 10 percent of compulsory savings as collateral and did not apply the usual commission fee. These cost-saving measures have helped to improve access to finance for smallholder farmers in Rwanda, which is critical to promoting their economic opportunities and resilience.

The lessons learned and conclusions from the pilot programme are now serving the design of the future scale-up of SheCan in the country, aiming to support +13, 000 individuals.


Feedback from SheCan project participants in Rwanda

Nyampinga Delphine

Nyampinga Delphine is a maize farmer member of the KOPAIM cooperative in Rwanda. Being part of SheCan enabled her to access credit and increase the loan amount over time, as she was able to successfully pay back the outstanding loan via the savings group. She used the additional capital to buy farm inputs to increase the plot of land she cultivated. This resulted in a nearly 30% higher harvest in the season, which in turn increased her income from selling the produce. The increased income helped Nyampinga to further invest in her farming activities as well as her home and family.

Nyiraminani Jose

Another KOPAIM cooperative member, Nyiraminani Jose, also accessed a SheCan loan, which allowed her to purchase agricultural inputs in a timely manner, leading to an anticipated doubling of her harvest compared to previous years when she had no financial support. She plans to save for loan repayment through her savings group and estimates that half of the loan will be repaid by the time of harvesting.

Nyiraminani Jose, SheCan Rwanda participant
Nyampinga Delphine, SheCan Rwanda participant
The way forward

SheCan has a flexible structure that can be easily replicated and applied across a wide range of financial inclusion and gender transformative programmes at WFP.

Building on the success of the first pilots, SheCan is expanding to new markets and geographies and will soon launch a new pilot in Cameroon

Through its innovative finance model and training programmes, SheCan enables smallholder farmers and micro-entrepreneurs to build sustainable and resilient livelihoods and create a better future for themselves and their communities. Working with FSPs to offer flexible and affordable and gender-sensitive financing to excluded populations and providing training in digital and financial literacy, SheCan supports WFP's mission of eradicating hunger and malnutrition while promoting economic growth and sustainability.

Meet the team

Jorge Fernandes
Jorge Fernandes
Head of Innovative Finance, Frontier Innovations and Venture Launchpad
Nora Praher
Innovative Finance Venture Lead
Iannina Canessa
Innovative Finance Consultant
Alice Gabouleaud
Alice Gabouleaud
Innovative Finance Consultant
Last updated: 08/01/2025