Nutrition and School-Based Programmes

Every day, millions of children around the world go to school on an empty stomach—hunger affects their concentration and ability to learn. There are also millions of children—particularly girls—who simply do not go to school because their families need them to help in the fields or perform domestic duties. In conflict-affected countries, where children are twice as likely to be out of school than their peers in stable countries – 2.5 times more likely in the case of girls.

WFP works with governments to tailor its responses: in emergency settings where countries do not have the capacity to meet the nutritional and educational needs of all vulnerable children, WFP will scale up its coverage and operations; within more stable contexts, WFP helps to strengthen systems and provides technical assistance, improving the scale and quality of national programmes and supporting governments in innovating and testing new approaches.

4,909,000+ people
improved nutrition, health and accessed optimized school meals with innovative Nutrition and School-Based Programmes


© WFP/BioAnalyt


BioAnalyt is a product innovator of diagnostics and food testing aiming at making nutrition more visible, whether in humans, animals or food. Through the iCheck technology, it provides a digital solution to collect and analyze data on the quality of fortified foods to incentivize compliance with national fortification regulations.

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© WFP/Chakki


Project Chakki (or small millers) is an innovative approach to improving access and consumption of fortified wheat flour for up to 70 percent of the population in Pakistan. The project equipped the small scale grinders (Chakkis), with innovative technologies, skills, and funding mechanisms to fortify flour, educate their clients, and tackle malnutrition across the country.

Learn more about Chakki’s work in 2021

© WFP/Eulalia Berlanga


CODA (Conditional On Demand Assistance) is a digital solution designed to simplify and streamline nutrition programme guidelines and to record individual beneficiary data. Using a mobile device and a durable smartcard, CODA replaces paper-based records to ensure beneficiary information can be recorded, tracked, and monitored at an individual level. The goal is to empower users to provide better assistance to beneficiaries and to enable stakeholders to make informed decisions through near to real-time data.

© Sanku


Sanku provides fortification tools, training and other support to small maize flour mills, enabling them to fortify their flour with essential micronutrients. Sanku installs its fortification technology (the “dosifier”), which adds a precise amount of critical nutrients to flour, onto the small East African flour mills that produce and sell the staple food to millions of families. Sanku offsets the costs of the millers’ nutrients by bulk buying empty pink flour bags, which are then sold to the millers to pack their flour. The margins from flour bag sales cover the entire cost of the millers’ nutrients, so mills can fortify their flour at no added cost. Sanku’s IoT-enabled dosifiers facilitate remote monitoring of the accuracy of nutrient premix dosing and quantity of fortified flour produced.

© WFP/Gayjoong Bhutii


SMP PLUS (formerly PLUS School Menus) is an AI-powered tool that calculates the most cost-effective school feeding menus that meet children’s nutritional requirements. It ensures dietary diversity, and optimizes impact on local economies through purchasing from local smallholder farmers.

© WFP/Maria Tavares

Clean Cooking Haiti

Clean Cooking Haiti introduces Heat Retention Bags in WFP School canteens. In 2021, WFP Haiti produced Heat Retention Bags (HRBs), made with upcycling local plastic waste to support schools’ transition to cleaner energy sources and reduce their energy needs. These HRBs were tested in Haitian school canteens. With thorough trainings and assessments, the project generated strong evidence of demand  for the HRBs for school feeding programmes as well as for usage of the bags at household level.

© WFP/Ntebaleng Thetsane

EPC4S Lesotho

Electric Pressure Cookers for Schools in Lesotho aims to improve health, reduce deforestation and save cost. A large percentage of schools in Lesotho rely on wood fuel and charcoal for cooking. This project used electric pressure cookers (EPCs) to sustainably replace biomass-based cooking in school canteens in Lesotho.

© WFP/Jose Shehata

Mbala Pinda

Mbala Pinda is a locally-produced cassava peanut snack that empowers women, improves nutrition, raises school attendance and ensures food producer groups are financially sustainable. In 2021, the activities concentrated on reinforce the capacities of 160 women smallholders specifically in marketing and managerial capacities, as well as in food safety and hygiene knowledge

© WFP/Meza


Meza - Intelligent Character Recognition Technology is an AI tool to digitize paper records from the country operations cheaply and quickly using low-end smartphones. Meza validated its proof of concept in 2021, showing more than 97 percent accuracy in decoding numeric data in nutrition logbooks allowing for analysis on programmatic indicators, and that the delay between the image submission on Meza and the readiness of data for review is less than 24 hours.

© WFP/Truptilekha Sahoo


Nutri-India is an App to train school cooks on hygiene and nutrition. WFP developed this application to provide an easy, accessible, and understandable mobile learning platform for kitchen safety and hygiene measures. This app ensures regular capacity building and refresher trainings through nine modules, three assessments and a dashboard which can be used by government stakeholders to monitor the learning progress of the CCHs.

© WFP/Luis Melgar

School Feeding & Management App (SFMA)

School Feeding & Management App connects home-grown farmers to schools to enhance school meals and nutrition. The team concluded the development phase of the application in 2021. This process required the development of a social and behavioural change strategy, the creation of educational materials directed to parents and school meals committees, family farmers and institutional staff of the Ministry of Education and Agriculture.

© WFP/Ramin Gallenbacher

Cockpit & School Connect Project

Cockpit is a service designed to enable WFP field staff to timely access to automated, integrated and visualized data analyses to optimize WFP’s school feeding programming. Through the Cockpit project, WFP cooperating partners were trained and were regularly submitting school attendance and stock availability data for 824 schools through WFP’s Data Collection Platform.

© Tiny Totos

Tiny Totos

Tiny Totos builds a network of financially self-sustaining and community-based businesses delivering quality daycare to children of low income working mothers in urban settlements. They set out to prove that by investing in improved branding, engagement and support of the informal childcare market, Tiny Totos and WFP could demonstrably, and more (cost) effectively drive community behaviour change towards positive nutritional choices and behaviour.

© WFP/Voice-to-Text AI Phone Survey Tool

Voice-to-text AI Phone Survey Tool

Voice-to-text AI Phone Survey Tool applies artificial intelligence for nutrition surveying. It offers an open-source phone-based tool powered by artificial intelligence (AI)  —  an approach that combines statistical methods, data, and modern computing techniques to automate specific tasks such as the surveying process.

Voice-to-text AI Phone Survey Tool was initially explored as part of the Frontier Innovation programme and has now proceeded to the Sprint programme.