- Climate Shocks1.3 M
- Supply Chain2.9 M
- Gender Equality15.4 M
- Health and Nutrition4.7 M
- Smallholder Farmers5.3 M
- Cash Assistance23.9 M
- Nutrition15.9 M
- Emergency Preparedness257 K
Helped people from food insecure communities to prepare for, respond to and recover from climate shocks and stress, totalling
1.3 + million individuals
Ensured efficient and effective distribution of food through Supply Chain and Logistics innovations, benefiting
2.9 + million people
Promoted gender equality and empowerment of women and girls to provide a route to economic development and resilience, reaching a total of
15.4 + million people
Health and nutrition packages, through innovative school-based programs, were accessed by
4.7 + million people
Smallholder farmers and value chain actors were empowered, benefiting
5.3 + million people
Improved the design and delivery of cash and value vouchers, enhancing access to financial services for
23.9 + million people
Transformational nutrition solutions were delivered at scale, reaching a total of
15.9 + million people
WFP’s emergency preparedness and response operations were elevated, reaching a total of
257,136 people
Here’s a look at some of the innovation stories from 2023.